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List of First Appellate Authority (RTI)under the Kolkata Municipal Corporation :
Sl. No Department and Borough Office Jurisdiction/Area Covered Name Designation Contact No. Email Id. Office Address
1. C.M.E.(Civil) Department Borough-I, II, III, XII & XIII Shri Mridul Mondal Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil)/HQ-I 9903335919 cmecivilkmc@gmail.com 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013
2. C.M.E.(Civil) Department Borough- IV, V, VIII, IX & XV Shri Subhasish Bhattacharya Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil)/Central 9831349740 cmecivilkmc@gmail.com 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013
3. C.M.E.(Civil) Department Borough-VII, X, XI, XIV & XVI Shri Jayanta Sarkar Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil)/South 9433899765 cmecivilkmc@gmail.com 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013
4. C.M.E.(Civil) Department Borough-VI & EE(HQ) Shri Amit Kumar Saha Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil)/HQ-II 9038790521 cmecivilkmc@gmail.com 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013
5. Building Matters related to Building Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
6. Chief Valuer & Surveyor Matters related to Chief Valuer & Surveyor Deptt. Chief Valuer & Surveyor
7. Sewerage & Drainage Matters related to Sewerage & Drainage and Tollys & Nullahs Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
8. Lighting & Electricity Matters related to Lighting & Electricity Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
9. Parks & Squares Matters related to Parks & Squares Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
10. Roads BR-II, III, IV, VI, XII, XIV, XV & XVI Shri Santanu Roy Dy. Chief Engineer (Civil) 9433393586 santanu.roy@kmcgov.in Roads Department Hudco Building, 4th Floor, 15N, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kol-87
BR-I, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XIII Shri Uday Ranjan Saha Dy. Chief Engineer (Civil) 877709052 dyce_bldg_n@kmcgov.in
11. SWM I & II Matters related to Solid Waste Management (I & II) Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
12. P & D Works other than Tolly’s Nullah and Gardenreach Project Shri Biplab Paul Dy. Chief Engineer (Civil) 9830792640 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
13. P & D Works related to Tolly’s Nullah Project Shri Samiran Ghosh Dy. Chief Engineer (Civil) 9830764057 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
14. P & D Works related to Gardenreach Project Shri Subhasish Bhattacharya Dy. Chief Engineer (Civil) 9831349740 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
15. PMU Matters related to Project Management Unit Dy. Chief Engineer
16. Water Supply Matters related to Water Supply Deptt. Dy. Chief Engineer
17. Supply & EWS Matters related to Supply Deptt. & Entally Work Shop Dy. Chief Engineer
18. Bustee Services & SSEP Matters related to Bustee Services & SSEP Dy. Chief Engineer
19. KEIIP Matters related to Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Programme Dy. Chief Engineer
20. MPLADs-BEUP KMC Area. Shri Kalicharan Banerjee Manager & Controlling Officer 919830660430 kc_banerjee@kmcgov.in 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, K-13
21. Mpl. Secretary Matters related to Mpl. Secretary's Deptt., Mpl. Authorities Deptt., Printing, I & PR and Central Records. Addl. Municipal Secretary
22. SW&UPA Matters related to Social Welfare & Urban Poverty Alleviation Deptt. Chief Manager
23. Market Matters related to Market Deptt. Chief Manager
24. Licence KMC,Ward 001 to 144 Shri Bijay Biswas Chief Manager 03322861263 bijaykmc@gmail.com 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Ground Floor, Kol-13
25. Assessment-Collection (South) KMC (H.Q) Property Tax issues in respect of properties in KMC Ward No. 052 to 090 except 066, 067 & 089 Shri Bhaskar Bhattacharya Chief Manager (Revenue/South) 9831291317 bbhattacharya3@gmail.com Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Assessment-Collection (South) department [H.Q], 5,S.N.Banerjee Road, 2nd Floor, Kolkata- 700013
26. Assessment Collection (Revenue-North) Matters related to Assessment Collection (North) Department Shri Sauvick Sikdar Chief Manager (Revenue/North) 9836644046 sikdarsauvick@gmail.com 4A, Chowringhee Place, Roxy Building, 3rd Floor, Kolkata 700013
27. Assessment & Collection Department (Jadavpur Unit) [Borough-XI & XII] Jurisdiction: Br-XI & XII
Area covered: Ward Nos. 101 - 114
Smt. Soma Sengupta Chief Manager(Revenue-Ju) 9433483737 cm_rev@kmcgov.in Roxy Cinema Building, 4A, Chowringhee Place, 3rd Floor, Kol-13
28. AssessmentCollection (Revenue-Added Area) Borough-XIII, XIV, XV & XVI Ward no. 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 and 144. Shri Mukul Ranjan Barai Chief Manager (Revenue-Added Area) 9007979577 mrbarai68@gmail.com Roxy Building, 3rd Floor, 4A, Chowringhee Place, Kolkata-700013
29. Assessment Collection (Revenue-TTD) Matters related to Assessment Collection (TTD) Dept. Chief Manager (TTD)
30. IUM Matters related to Institute of Urban Management DG (IUM)
31. Personnel Any HR related matters Shri Saikat Dasgupta Chief Manager (Personnel) 2286-1000 Extn. 2273 personneldept.kmc@gmail.com KMC CMO Building, 5, S. N Banerjee Road, 1st floor, Kol-13
32. Information Technology Dept. Matters related to Information Technology Department Smt. Kanika Sarkar (Biswas) HoD (I.T.) 9433332715 ksbiswas@kmcgov.in 48, Market Street, 5th Floor, Kol-87
33. S.R & A.C Service Records & Accounts Cell, House Building Advance Cell, Provident Fund Cell, Pension Cell, Group Insurance Cell And Staff Quarter Cell Smt. Rakhi Ganguly Chief Manager,S.R & A.C 0332286-1032,Office EPABX: 2286-1000 (Extn.2864)Mobile - 9433349648 gangulyr1970@gmail.com The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Central Municipal Office Building 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 700013
34. Finance & Accounts Finance & Accounts Dept. (including Internal Finance Units) Shri Mrityunjoy Biswas Special Controller of Municipal Finance & Accounts-II 9433009132 add_cmfa_wb@kmcgov.in The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Central Municipal Office Building, 3rd Floor, 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 13
35. LAW Matters related to LAW Department Shri Partha Pratim Saha Additional Chief Municipal Law Officer 9830455637 kolkatalaw@gmail.com 5, S. N Banerjee Road, 1st Floor, Kol-13
36. Education Department (HQ) KMC Area Shri Siddhartha Sankar Dhara Chief Manager 9836154408 cm_edu@kmcgov.in The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Education Department (HQ), Hogg Building (2nd Floor), 1, Hogg Street, Kolkata - 87
37. Health Matters related to Health Deptt. Dr. Subrata Roy Chowdhury Chief Municipal Health Officer 9830011041 cmhomail@gmail.com CMO Building, 1st Floor, 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 13
38. Internal Audit Matters related to Internal Audit Deptt. Chief Municipal Auditor
39. Advertisement Matters related to Advertisement Dept. Shri Bhaskar Bhattacharyya Chief Manager 2286-1032 advtkmc@gmail.com 4A, Chowringhee Place, Roxy Building, 2nd Floor, Kolkata 700013
40. Amusement Tax Deptt. Matters related to Amusement Deptt. Chief Manager
41. Car Parking KMC, Ward from 001 to 144 Shri Bijay Biswas Chief Manager 2286-1036 bijaykmc@gmail.com 5, S.N. Banerjee road , Kolkata- 700013.
42. Vigilance Matters related to Vigilance Deptt. Vigilance Authority
43. Census Matters related to Census under their jurisdiction Chief Manager (Census)