Circular No |
Date |
Subject |
MC's Circular No.190 of 2019-20 |
21-March-2020 |
Preventive measure taken by the Authority of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus(Covid -19)
MC's Circular No.189 of 2019-20 |
18-March-2020 |
Control Room of KMC to tackle Corona Virus issues.
MC's Circular No.188 of 2019-20 |
18-March-2020 |
Quick Response Team of KMC to tackle Corona VIrus ISsues.
MC's Circular No.187 of 2019-20 |
17-March-2020 |
Awareness on the prevention of infection spread through Novel CORONA Virus
MC's Circular No.186 of 2019-20 |
17-March-2020 |
Revision of pension and pensionary benefits in respect of the pensioners/ family pensioners of the Kolkata Municipal Corpotation.
MC's Circular No.185 of 2019-20 |
17-March-2020 |
Constitution of High Powered Advisory Committee on environmental issues for are under the jurisdiction of KMC.
MC's Circular No.184 of 2019-20 |
14-March-2020 |
Constitution of a Value Engineering Cell to explore new operation techiques in the field of engineering
MC's Circular No.183 of 2019-20 |
12-March-2020 |
Optimum utilization of contractual manpower directly engaged or engaged through agencies in KMC.
MC's Circular No.182 of 2019-20 |
12-March-2020 |
As per mandate of Doing Business Report 2021, while implementing reforms related to process for auto-mutation, it has been observed that mutation may not be possible due to following cases.
MC's Circular No.181 of 2019-20 |
11-March-2020 |
Modifiation of Circular No.179 of 2019-20 dated 07-03-2020 regarding Preparation of outreach programme on implementation of various indicators under EoDB-2021.
MC's Circular No.180 of 2019-20 |
11-March-2020 |
Framing of Recruitment Regulations for the post of 'Director General' under Soild Waste Management department under The Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
MC's Circular No.179 of 2019-20 |
07-March-2020 |
PPreparation of outreach programme on implementation of various indicators under EoDB-2021.
MC's Circular No.178 of 2019-20 |
06-March-2020 |
Procurement of Contracts as well as Consultancy Services - Transparency in Evaluation of Bids
MC's Circular No.177 of 2019-20 |
06-March-2020 |
Modification in the Notification issued from UD & MA Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide No. 935/MA/O/C-4/IM-31/2015 (Pt.-III)dtd. 19th December'2018-RoW permission regarding
MC's Circular No.176 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Disposal of Pending Files under section 393A of the KMC Act 1980
MC's Circular No.175 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Reduction of Procedure for sanction and completion cum Occupancy of Building
MC's Circular No.174 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Risk based classification of the building on the basis of risk factors
MC's Circular No.173 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Management of Building Department
MC's Circular No.172 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Amendments made in Building Rule regarding Quality of Construction
MC's Circular No.171 of 2019-20 |
04-March-2020 |
Reduction of Timeline for sanction and Completion cum Occupancy of Building
MC's Circular No. 170 of 2019-20 |
29-Feb-2020 |
To liaison with the District Magistrate, South 24-Parganas for ensuing Election purpose, the following Officers are hereby deployed from the KMC for the following works.
MC's Circular No. 169 of 2019-20 |
25-Feb-2020 |
In terms of the provisions contained under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Right to Information Act 2005, the Manager (Census) under Census Cell is hereby designated as State Public Information Officer of Census Cell and the Chief Manager (Census) is hereby designated as First Appellate Authority of Census Cell for dealing with the RTI matters under their jurisdiction.
MC's Circular No. 168 of 2019-20 |
22-Feb-2020 |
Submission of Reports in with NGT Orders
MC's Circular No. 167 of 2019-20 |
22-Feb-2020 |
Pending issues wiht UD & MA Department, Govt. of West Bengal
MC's Circular No. 166 of 2019-20 |
20-Feb-2020 |
Revised Circular on Cleaning and proper illumination in bus stands
MC's Circular No. 165 of 2019-20 |
18-Feb-2020 |
To ensure proper maintenance of all Parks and Squares located in different parts of the City.
MC's Circular No. 164 of 2019-20 |
18-Feb-2020 |
Submission of monthly progress report in the matter of Hon'ble NGT, O.A. No. 673 of 2018, dated 06.12.2019
MC's Circular No. 163 of 2019-20 |
15-Feb-2020 |
As per mandate of Doing Business Report 2021, KMC has already taken necessary initiative for relevant reforms and prepared software module to process for e-mutation.
MC's Circular No. 162 of 2019-20 |
13-Feb-2020 |
NGT matter SWM Rules
MC's Circular No. 161 of 2019-20 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Management of E-waste within the KMC area.
MC's Circular No. 160 of 2019-20 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Preparation of Draft Policy on ground water extraction and recharging of ground water.
MC's Circular No. 159 of 2019-20 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Preparation of action plan on Air Quality Management of Kolkata.
MC's Circular No. 158 of 2019-20 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Cleaning and proper illuination in bus stands
MC's Circular No. 157 of 2019-20 |
10-Feb-2020 |
Detection of leakage in water supply pipelines
MC's Circular No. 156 of 2019-20 |
07-Feb-2020 |
Data mining of the database of Assessent-Collection Department and Advertisement Department.
MC's Circular No. 155 of 2019-20 |
07-Feb-2020 |
Modification in the format of "No Outstandung Certificates" issued by Assessment Collection Departent.
MC's Circular No. 154 of 2019-20 |
07-Feb-2020 |
Online submission and processing of A-75 forms under Assessment- Collection Department.
MC's Circular No. 153 of 2019-20 |
07-Feb-2020 |
Issuance of Birth Certificates, Death Certificates and Special Registration of Death Certificates.
MC's Circular No. 152 of 2019-20 |
06-Feb-2020 |
Redesignation of the post of superintending Medical Officer (General) under hospital & Dispensaries in pay Band 4A- Rs.15,600 - 42,000/- plus Grade pay Rs. 6,600/- under Health Deptt., KMC to the post of Executive Health Officer in pay Band 4A-Rs. 15,600 - 42,000/- plus Geade pay Rs. 6,600/- under Health Deptt., KMC
MC's Circular No. 149 of 2019-20 |
01-Feb-2020 |
Guidelines for engagement of hired vehicles in KMC in continuation
od M.C's Circular No. 102 of 2019-20, dated 08.11.2019
MC's Circular No. 148 of 2019-20 |
01-Feb-2020 |
Recharging of ground water
MC's Circular No. 147 of 2019-20 |
28-Jan-2020 |
Modification of Municipal Commissioner Circular No. 145 of 2019-20,
dated - 21/01/2020 regarding the constitution of a committee to
review the development project and several issues of the markets.
MC's Circular No. 146 of 2019-20 |
24-Jan-2020 |
According to the Order, dated 17.01.2020 of the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal regarding O.A. no. 606 of 2018 it has been directed to adopt interim measures to reduce pollution load by way of phyto-remediation / bio-remediation.
MC's Circular No. 145 of 2019-20 |
21-Jan-2020 |
Committee to review the development project and several issues of the markets.
MC's Circular No. 144 of 2019-20 |
15-Jan-2020 |
In partial modification of earlier Circular of the Municipal Commissioner vide no. 140 of 2019-20 dated 08.01.2020 for the purpose of preparation of printing of Books and Audio-visual documents featuring the development works done by the KMC during the period from 2015 to 2020 (March).
MC's Circular No. 143 of 2019-20 |
14-Jan-2020 |
In partial modification of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 49 of 2019-20 dated 30.07.2019 the following modification to the Negotiation Committees are hereby made.
MC's Circular No. 142 of 2019-20 |
14-Jan-2020 |
Monitoring and Supervision of Civil Volunteers in K.M.C.
MC's Circular No. 141 of 2019-20 |
14-Jan-2020 |
In the review meeting held on 4th January, 2020, the officials of the Bustee and the Boroughs explained their difficulties for processing the files through ERP system at the initial stage, particularly in the case where Boroughs Ex. Engineers undertakes the different works from other Controlling Officers like D.G. (Bustee), D.G (E&H) & D.G. (P&S).
MC's Circular No. 140 of 2019-20 |
08-Jan-2020 |
For the purpose of preparation of printing of books and audio-visual documents featuring the development works done by the KMC during the period 2015 to 2020 (March).
MC's Circular No. 139 of 2019-20 |
07-Jan-2020 |
Since year-ending is knocking at the door and KMC has embarked upon a lot of developmental projects, in the interest of expeditious movement of files, newspaper - cuttings of abridged tender notices in different newspapers should be sent to the concerned Tender inviting Officers within three days from the date of publication by the Mpl. Secretary's Department.
MC's Circular No. 138 of 2019-20 |
06-Jan-2020 |
Manpower Deployment.
MC's Circular No. 137 of 2019-20 |
06-Jan-2020 |
Introduction of a format for renewal of staff/ personnel of different departments engaged on
contractual basis ( either direct contractual or through agency) and new engagement of such
contractual staff thereof.
MC's Circular No. 136 of 2019-20 |
04-Jan-2020 |
Speedy disposal of the prayers for job under special Regulation.
MC's Circular No. 135 of 2019-20 |
04-Jan-2020 |
Pay & Use Toilets
MC's Circular No. 134 of 2019-20 |
03-Jan-2020 |
Formattion of a Committee to review and reconstruct the existing Recruitment Regulations of the multifarious
cardres of KMC
MC's Circular No. 133 of 2019-20 |
02-Jan-2020 |
Portial modification of mpl. commissionar's Circular No 49 of 2019-20 dated 30.07.2019
MC's Circular No. 123 of 2019-20 |
10-dec-2019 |
Revised Project Review Meeting and Revenue Meeting Schedule
MC's Circular No. 122 of 2019-20 |
10-dec-2019 |
Of late it has been observed that the concerned department is not raising the claim for releasing of 1st instalment of fund against AA&FS issued by the Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Department.
MC's Circular No. 121 of 2019-20 |
10-dec-2019 |
Signature of CME/DG on work oders above Rs. 1.00 crore
MC's Circular No. 120 of 2019-20 |
03-dec-2019 |
This is for information of all concerned that for effective supervision of vector control activities as well as to ensure timely attendance at all levels following officers / staffs engaged in public health related activities.
MC's Circular No. 119 of 2019-20 |
03-dec-2019 |
Modification of the Circular of Municipal Commissionar no. 133 of 2019-20 regarding "strict
monitoring of some revenue earning departments"
MC's Circular No. 118 of 2019-20 |
29-nov-2019 |
It has been decided by the KMC authority that burden on KMC's exchequer is to be reduced by imposing restriction on engagement of hired cars, engagement of contractual / casual workers and holiday allowance / overtime allowance.
MC's Circular No. 117 of 2019-20 |
29-nov-2019 |
In the interest of providing civic services more quickly and efficiently, KMC authority has been pleased to approve the following guidelines in the public interest.
MC's Circular No. 116 of 2019-20 |
29-nov-2019 |
Formation of Committee for preparation revised BPL survey form
MC's Circular No. 132 of 2019-20 |
24-dec-2019 |
Market Department, KMC shall carry out continuous drive in the market places to prohibit the use of plastic carry bags below 50 micron.
MC's Circular No. 131 of 2019-20 |
24-dec-2019 |
In order to maintain equality and parity of Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) in respect of Buildings to be constructed on the Thika land irrespective of the location, the following directive is issued.
MC's Circular No. 130 of 2019-20 |
23-dec-2019 |
Ease of Doing Business
MC's Circular No. 129 of 2019-20 |
20-dec-2019 |
Mentioning of value or amount in both figures and in words.
MC's Circular No. 128 of 2019-20 |
18-dec-2019 |
Sending of ATR for complaints/grievances received through 'Talk to Mayor' programme and Whatsapp.
MC's Circular No. 127 of 2019-20 |
14-dec-2019 |
Invitation of Public Representatives/ Dignitaries in functions of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
MC's Circular No. 126 of 2019-20 |
14-dec-2019 |
The State Government has given utmost priority to uplift the living conditions of the Thika Tenants and Bharatias protecting their rights. |
MC's Circular No. 125 of 2019-20 |
13-dec-2019 |
Guidelines for using Community Hall |
MC's Circular No. 124 of 2019-20 |
13-dec-2019 |
It has come to the notice of KMC authority that Controlling Officers of different departments are facing problem in replying audit queries as audit queries relates to the period of their predecessors and those predecessors or concerned official have been transferred to other departments. |
MC's Circular No. 115 of 2019-20 |
28-nov-2019 |
Modification of Municipal Commissioner Circular No. 105 of 2019-20 dated 16.ll.2019 regarding maintenance of parks. |
MC's Circular No. 114 of 2019-20 |
23-nov-2019 |
It has been observed that monthly Overtime / Holiday allowance cost becomes substantial. It is felt necessary to review the pattern of Overtime / Holiday allowance and also rationalise the matter in the interest of effective utilisation of KMC's revenue fund. |
MC's Circular No. 113 of 2019-20 |
19-nov-2019 |
Strict monitoring of some revenue earning departments |
MC's Circular No. 112 of 2019-20 |
18-nov-2019 |
In continuation of Municipal Commissioner's no. 147 of 2018-19 dated 09.07.2019 it may be noted by all concerned that the KMC authority has been pleased to release the balance 30% fund of budget provision of 2019-20 under the budget head "400 & 800". |
MC's Circular No. 111 of 2019-20 |
18-nov-2019 |
It has been observed that a considerable number of works files are being processed by the Departments without routing through the ERP. |
MC's Circular No. 110 of 2019-20 |
18-nov-2019 |
Development of software for issuance of online Trade Licence for industry under the Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) Reforms. |
MC's Circular No. 109 of 2019-20 |
18-nov-2019 |
Online application for water supply connection, drainage connection and building sanction plan for industry under EoDB reforms. |
MC's Circular No. 108 of 2019-20 |
16-nov-2019 |
In continuation of the existing arrangements to fight against the threat of vector borne diseases like Dengue, Malaria, and to further intensify the drive, it has been decided by the KMC authority that all workers under West Bengal Urban Employmentscheme shall be deployed to combat threats of Dengue / Malaria by undertaking massive cleaning an disinfection work under the supervision of the following departments. |
MC's Circular No. 107 of 2019-20 |
16-nov-2019 |
KMC has already given the water supply connection and completed the mutation process in Bustee / Colonies under the KMC area. Drainage connection should be given in Bustee / Colonies areas either at nominal rates or usual charges as to be decided by the KMC authority. |
MC's Circular No. 106 of 2019-20 |
16-nov-2019 |
Pathways are to be constructed around the waterbodies / ponds / tanks that have been developed by the KMC so that the people may walk around the waterbodies / ponds etc. |
MC's Circular No. 105 of 2019-20 |
16-nov-2019 |
All Parks under the jurisdiction of KMC should be maintained through AMC scheme where both manpower as well as material should be supplied by the engaged agency. |
MC's Circular No. 104 of 2019-20 |
13-nov-2019 |
In recent past in some cases, while KMC went for demolition of unauthorised construction that has been processed under section 400 (8), faces various difficulties like strong objections / agitations from local people, threat to the Assistant Engineers & Sub-Assistant Engineers, throwing of stones etc. in spite of assistance from local Police Station, which cause serious trouble to the concerned AE & SAE. |
MC's Circular No. 103 of 2019-20 |
13-nov-2019 |
Modification of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 68 of 2018-19
dated 25.09.2018 regarding R.TI matters related to KMC |
MC's Circular No. 102 of 2019-20 |
08-nov-2019 |
Revised guidelines for Hired cars |
MC's Circular No. 101 of 2019-20 |
08-nov-2019 |
Attention of all Controlling Officers / HoDs is drawn to Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 85 of 2013-14, dated 08.01.2014 and Circular No. 88 of 2018-19, dated 28.11.2018 regarding maintaining punctuality in attendance in office by the KMC employees as per scheduled time of arrival and departure. |
MC's Circular No. 100 of 2019-20 |
08-nov-2019 |
Arrangements for combating cyclone storm "Bulbul" |
MC's Circular No. 99 of 2019-20 |
07-nov-2019 |
The Government of West Bengal has issued notification no. 5562-F dated 25.09.2019 in regard to West Bengal Services Rules, 2019 and Memo No. 535-F(Pen) dated 01.10.2019 and Memo No. 536-F(Pen) dated 01.10.2019 regarding the revision of Pension / Family Pension of pensioners / family pensioners on the recommendation of the 6th Pay Commission. |
MC's Circular No. 98 of 2019-20 |
24-oct-2019 |
Deployment of officials at the different ghats on the river Hooghly and ponds in added areas. |
MC's Circular No. 97 of 2019-20 |
24-oct-2019 |
Civic arrangement during the ceremony of Chhat Puja - 2019. |
MC's Circular No. 96 of 2019-20 |
24-oct-2019 |
Modification to the existing Recruitment Regulations for the post of Sub-Registrar in the pay scale
PB - 4 (f9,000 - f40,500) + GP f4,700/- under Health Department, KMC |
MC's Circular No. 95 of 2019-20 |
23-oct-2019 |
Time limit for allowing completion of tender formalities for works above 50 lakh. |
MC's Circular No. 94 of 2019-20 |
23-oct-2019 |
Report on pending issues with the UD & MA Department and Finance Department, Government of West Bengal. |
MC's Circular No. 93 of 2019-20 |
21-oct-2019 |
In order to comply with the directive of Finance(Audit) Dept. Govt. of W.B, as conveyed through Memo no. 4519-F(Y) of Addl. Chief Secretary, Govt. of W.B dated 07.08.2019, all IFUs are directed that the present process of preparing deduction bill in favour of KMC Labour Welfare Cell component and transferring the same to the designated account through ECS is hereby discontinued. |
MC's Circular No. 92 of 2019-20 |
19-oct-2019 |
Modification of Recruitment Regulations for the post of Additional CMLO and
Deputy CMLO of Legal Services under Kolkata Municipal Corporation |
MC's Circular No. 91 of 2019-20 |
19-oct-2019 |
Nomination of Nodal Officer of KMC to address the various matters received from CMRO, Nabanna through the dedicated CMO Public Grievance Management System portal. |
MC's Circular No. 90 of 2019-20 |
19-oct-2019 |
Nodal Officer for implementation of WBRTPS Act 2013 in KMC. |
MC's Circular No. 89 of 2019-20 |
01-oct-2019 |
West Bengal Urban Wage Employment Scheme 2011-12 |
MC's Circular No. 88 of 2019-20 |
27-Sep-2019 |
Amendment of modalities for filling up of vacancies in the posts of unskilled labour under Engineering Departments (Non-Conservancy).. |
MC's Circular No. 87 of 2019-20 |
27-Sep-2019 |
Engineers of KMC shall not engage consultants for routine nature of work. Consultants may be engaged only for any special type of work which involves safety aspect and requires inspection from third party.
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MC's Circular No. 86 of 2019-20 |
27-Sep-2019 |
Arrangement to be made at different Ghats along the river Ganga and also at different waterbodies for 'Tarpan' on Mahalaya i.e. 28.09.2019
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MC's Circular No. 85 of 2019-20 |
24-Sep-2019 |
It may be noted by all concerned Controlling Officers / Head of the Departments that Ministry of Finance, Government of India, issued D.O. No. 1080/24/DLA/Tech/Meeting-Litigation/17 (Part) dated 25.08.2017 specifying the appeals pending in Supreme Court / High Court / CESTAT and other Courts, if any. involving Revenue of more than Rs. 10 crore should be an area of special attention and has sought for an ATR with a request to take action.
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MC's Circular No. 84 of 2019-20 |
24-Sep-2019 |
Urgent shifting of people residing under the Tala Bridge and Chitpur Bridge.
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MC's Circular No. 83 of 2019-20 |
24-Sep-2019 |
Demolition of Foot Over Bridges at Phul Patty and Armenian Ghat
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MC's Circular No. 82 of 2019-20 |
21-Sep-2019 |
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MC's Circular No. 81 of 2019-20 |
18-Sep-2019 |
The matter of relaxation of submission some statutory and non-statutory documents by the tenderers in case of tenders for works / supply up to value of Rs. 5 lakhs was discussed in the meeting in Mayor-in-Council on 13.09.2009.
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MC's Circular No. 80 of 2019-20 |
17-Sep-2019 |
All Controlling Officers / HoDs are hereby directed that henceforth submission of audited balance sheet / P.L Account will not be required for participating in any tender up to Rs. 5.0 Lakh.
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MC's Circular No. 79 of 2019-20 |
16-Sep-2019 |
Emergent instruments/apparatus arrangements during festive days
(most particularly from (October,211d, 2019 to October, 13th , 2019)) 24 x 7 arrangements
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MC's Circular No. 78 of 2019-20 |
16-Sep-2019 |
Emergent and superior-level personnel arrangements during festive days (most particularly from October 2"d, 2019 to October 13t\ 2019)
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MC's Circular No. 77 of 2019-20 |
12-Sep-2019 |
Corrigendum of Municipal Commissioner's circular no. 69 of 2019-20 dated 30/08/2019, regarding the concession for booking Community hall of KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 76 of 2019-20 |
09-Sep-2019 |
With the increase in the volume of development works of this Corporation commensurate with the increase in the sanction of the State Government funds for implementation of the projects, the Borough Executive Engineers shall be involved with the engineering works only for smooth implementation of the projects and schemes.
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MC's Circular No. 75 of 2019-20 |
09-Sep-2019 |
Form 1 and Form 4 to be maintained under WBRTPS Act 2013 and WBRTPS Rules 2013.
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MC's Circular No. 74 of 2019-20 |
09-Sep-2019 |
Entrusting Sri Amlan Lahiri (EID:20386), Manager, SWM-II(at District III Garage) department, with the duties at Environment and Heritage Department as 'Manager(E&H)' in order to deal with the files relating to the Assessment-Collection and Building.
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MC's Circular No. 73 of 2019-20 |
04-Sep-2019 |
Guideline on posting including administrative posting of an employee under all K.M.C. Common Cadre Services transferred on promotion for the sake of transparency in public services as per the decisions taken at the meeting of Mayor-in-Council on 24.07.2019 vide M-1-C Item No.MOA - 85.9
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MC's Circular No. 72 of 2019-20 |
31-Aug-2019 |
Requirement of fund during the current Financial Year.
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MC's Circular No. 71 of 2019-20 |
31-Aug-2019 |
SW&UPA department receives government funds under different components of SJSRY / NULM scheme. However the executions of work are done by other departments like Civil and Lighting Dept etc. SW&UPA department maintains registers for monitoring receipts of fund and its utilisation.
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MC's Circular No. 70 of 2019-20 |
31-Aug-2019 |
Hon'ble Mayor's Jana SonjogPragramme, Hon'ble Mayor's WhatsApp, Talk to Hon'ble Mayor's Programme, Hon'ble Mayor's Public Outreach Programme, Hon'ble Mayor's personal visit to the Borough and Local visit, in each case, the concerned Director Generals / Controlling Officers, Borough Level Officers and Ward level officers are advised to keep Councillors inform about the problem, possible action to be taken and action taken so that Councillors and Borough Chairman are fully aware of the redressal of the grievance and action taken by the KMC in their wards.
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MC's Circular No. 69 of 2019-20 |
30-Aug-2019 |
Cancellation of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 143 of 2018-19 dated 05/03/2019, regarding the concession for booking of Community Hall of KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 68 of 2019-20 |
29-Aug-2019 |
In the interest of providing expeditious services to the citizens, it has been decided that henceforth following guidelines will be followed in respect of obtaining clearances of Works Committee and Tender Committee in KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 67 of 2019-20 |
29-Aug-2019 |
It has been decided by the Mayor-in-Council vide Agenda Item No. MOA-87.5, dated 28.08.2019 that henceforth Adridged Notice inviting Tender up to Rs. 5.0 lakh shall be issued by the Executive Engineer of the concerned departments / Boroughs through the Municipal Secretary Department.
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MC's Circular No. 66 of 2019-20 |
29-Aug-2019 |
Formation of Committee to finalize the terms and condition of Agreement of Foot Over Bridge which will be Constructed as CSR activity
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MC's Circular No. 65 of 2019-20 |
28-Aug-2019 |
In continuation of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 59 of 2010-2011 dated 22.03.2011 all Controlling Officers / HoDs are once again requested to maintain the Asset Register in a proper manner so that audit can be conducted by the Audit Department as and when required.
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MC's Circular No. 64 of 2019-20 |
22-Aug-2019 |
All concerned are hereby directed that due to introduction of SBMS module in IFMS as notified through Memo no. 2603-F(Y) dated 30.04.2019 of Addl. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of W.B., Finance Dept., Audit Branch, it has been made mandatory o incorporate details of bank accounts where Scheme funds for various schemes are received from the government so that funds are continued to be received in the said bank account and for further preforming schematic transactions and operations through the bank account.
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MC's Circular No. 63 of 2019-20 |
22-Aug-2019 |
Nomination of two Nodal Officers of KMC to address the various matters received from CMRO, Nabanna through UD&MA Department
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MC's Circular No. 62 of 2019-20 |
22-Aug-2019 |
Formation of Screening Committee for contractual appointment/engagement in KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 61 of 2019-20 |
22-Aug-2019 |
In order to conform to our present ERP system and to avoid delay in processing of bills and subsequent submission of GST return, all functioning departments are hereby directed to raise separate bills for items having different GST rate.
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MC's Circular No. 60 of 2019-20 |
19-Aug-2019 |
All concerned Director Generals / Controlling Officers are hereby informed that following decisions taken by the KMC authority in the interest of expeditious completion of civic works in timely and transparent manner. Any work shall be completed within stipulated time period as indicated in the tender document.
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MC's Circular No. 59 of 2019-20 |
19-Aug-2019 |
Development of Waterbody Management Information System WBMIS) in KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 58 of 2019-20 |
10-Aug-2019 |
Public Grievance/ Suggestions in KMC area.
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MC's Circular No. 57 of 2019-20 |
08-Aug-2019 |
In the interest of providing expeditious services to the citizens, it has been decided that henceforth processing of works file will have to be made in time bound manner as detailed out below.
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MC's Circular No. 56 of 2019-20 |
08-Aug-2019 |
Distribution of saplings of plant in KMC programmes.
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MC's Circular No. 55 of 2019-20 |
08-Aug-2019 |
15 Point Programme of Hon'ble Mayor of KMC for Senior Citizens.
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MC's Circular No. 53 of 2019-20 |
07-Aug-2019 |
Illegal stacking of building materials on road and footpath.
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MC's Circular No. 52 of 2019-20 |
06-Aug-2019 |
For administrative convenience and ease of disposal of application, House Building Loan Cell is hereby merged with SR&AC and henceforth staff of SR&AC will look after the works of HBL Cell.
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MC's Circular No. 51 of 2019-20 |
02-Aug-2019 |
All concerned are hereby informed that the Finance Department, Government of West Bengal has revised the manner of procurement through Government e-Marketplace (GeM) vide Memo No. 4262-F(Y), dated 26th July, 2019.
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MC's Circular No. 50 of 2019-20 |
01-Aug-2019 |
For smooth and speedy disposal of cases related to refund of property tax, Assessment Collection departments have to send files, complete in all respect, to Finance & Accounts department for verification.
MC's Circular No. 49 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
Negotiation Committee.
MC's Circular No. 48 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
Corrigendum of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 21 of 2019-20 dated 24.05.2019 regarding Procurement of materials/articles/instruments/services etc compulsorily through GeM w.e.f. 01.06.2019.
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MC's Circular No. 47 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
It has been decided by the KMC authority that e-file tracking system will be introduced in all departments of KMC in the interest of smooth processing of all types of proposals, bills etc.
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MC's Circular No. 46 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
Invitation of tender and issuance of work order.
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MC's Circular No. 45 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
Constitution of a Committee to review the proposals of increase in salary of the contractual and re-employed employees in KMC.
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MC's Circular No. 44 of 2019-20 |
30-Jul-2019 |
It has been decided by the authority that all water bodies in KMC area are to be maintained hygienically to combat the threat of Vector-Borne and Water-Borne disease particularly Dengue, Malaria etc. in the ensuing months.
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MC's Circular No. 43 of 2019-20 |
29-Jul-2019 |
Action plans for River Rejuvenation.
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MC's Circular No. 42 of 2019-20 |
25-Jul-2019 |
Addendum to Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 39 of 2019-2020 dated 19.07.2019 regarding constitution of dedicated Cell for Inspection of Water Bodies.
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MC's Circular No. 41 of 2019-20 |
25-Jul-2019 |
Corrigendum of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No.38 of 2019-20 regarding eTender and procurement through GeM.
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MC's Circular No. 40 of 2019-20 |
22-Jul-2019 |
Guidelines for exemption of fully Government-Aided Schools located within the urisdiction of Kolkata Municipal Corporation from payment of Property Tax.
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MC's Circular No. 39 of 2019-20 |
19-Jul-2019 |
Constitution of dedicated Cell for Inspection of Water Bodies.
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MC's Circular No. 38 of 2019-20 |
19-Jul-2019 |
e-Tender and Procurement through GeM.
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MC's Circular No. 37 of 2019-20 |
17-Jul-2019 |
Developmental works, civic services and health services of KMC in the bordering areas under the jurisdiction of adjoining municipalities. |
MC's Circular No. 36 of 2019-20 |
13-Jul-2019 |
Verification of GeM bills before submission to the Payment Authority (PAO) in GeM |
MC's Circular No. 35 of 2019-20 |
11-Jul-2019 |
Appointment through Special Regulation |
MC's Circular No. 34 of 2019-20 |
11-Jul-2019 |
Collection of GST upon booking of Community Halls of KMC |
MC's Circular No. 33 of 2019-20 |
11-Jul-2019 |
Slum Development Work. |
MC's Circular No. 32 of 2019-20 |
09-Jul-2019 |
The normal hours of attendance is 6.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and every conservancy works are literally expected to be present in the ward office at scheduled duty hours. |
MC's Circular No. 31 of 2019-20 |
09-Jul-2019 |
Proper illumination and cleaning of areas around Temples and Temple ghats. |
MC's Circular No. 30 of 2019-20 |
04-Jul-2019 |
All concerned are aware that Kolkata Municipal Corporation is guided by the Tender Rules, Finance Rules and Government Orders issued by the UD&MA Department & Finance Department of Government of West Bengal from time to time in respect of expenditure from own fund generated through tax and non-tax revenue as well as expenditure on account of Government fund. |
MC's Circular No. 29 of 2019-20 |
03-Jul-2019 |
Mandatory Presence of Controlling Officers/DGs during Talk to Mayor" Programme. |
MC's Circular No. 28 of 2019-20 |
03-Jul-2019 |
Action against complaints received in regard to certain civic amenities. |
MC's Circular No. 27 of 2019-20 |
03-Jul-2019 |
In continuation of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 59 of 2010-2011 dated 22.03.2011 all Controlling Officers / HoDs are once again requested to maintain the Audit Register in a proper manner so that audit can be conducted by the Audit Department as and when required. |
MC's Circular No. 26 of 2019-20 |
01-Jul-2019 |
Framing of Recrui_tment Regulations for the post of 'Director General' under Solid Waste Management department, K.M.C. |
MC's Circular No. 25 of 2019-20 |
01-Jul-2019 |
Over the years it has been observed that some KMC employees take loans from banks and other financial institutions without obtaining any permission from the KMC authority. Such act on the part of the KMC employees is improper and unbecoming of an employee which is liable to be contemplated for disciplinary action. |
MC's Circular No. 24 of 2019-20 |
22-Jun-2019 |
In continuation of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 51 of 2012-13 dated 20.09.2012 all Controlling Officers are once again requested to submit the 'Advance Adjustment Bill' within 15th of July, 2019. |
MC's Circular No. 23 of 2019-20 |
13-Jun-2019 |
Receiving and dispatch files |
MC's Circular No. 22 of 2019-20 |
12-Jun-2019 |
Corrigendum of Municipal Commissioner's Circular No. 68 of 2018-19 dated 25.09.2018 due to re-designation of posts of Asstt. Manager (Law) at the Law Deptt. KMC. |
MC's Circular No. 21 of 2019-20 |
24-May-2019 |
Procurement of materials/articles/instruments/services etc compulsorily through GeM w.e.f. 01.06.2019. |
MC's Circular No. 19 of 2019-20 |
11-May-2019 |
Emergency arrangements during the ensuing Nor'wester/rainy season in the next few months of 2019 |
MC's Circular No. 18 of 2019-20 |
11-May-2019 |
Generation and Distribution Schedule to be prepared by Water Supply Department of KMC. |
MC's Circular No. 17 of 2019-20 |
10-May-2019 |
Of late, it has been observed that some departments take long time to finalize the tender process. As a result execution of works is getting delayed. |
MC's Circular No. 16 of 2019-20 |
10-May-2019 |
Of late, it has come to the notice of the KMC authority that in some cases materials supplied by the selected agencies are not functioning up to the entire satisfaction of the concerned department and also not upto the standard for the purpose for which procurement was made. |
MC's Circular No. 15 of 2019-20 |
10-May-2019 |
All concerned Director Generals are hereby directed to submit status report of works of Rs. 10.00 lakh and above to the concerned MMIC on fortnightly basis. |
MC's Circular No. 14 of 2019-20 |
10-May-2019 |
Restriction of deployment of workers working under WBUES and UWEP during the summer months.. |
MC's Circular No. 13 of 2019-20 |
04-May-2019 |
Withdrawal of KMC Officials deployed at Control rooms. |
MC's Circular No. 12 of 2019-20 |
02-May-2019 |
Arrangements for combating cyclonic storm "FANI". |
MC's Circular No. 11 of 2019-20 |
02-May-2019 |
Disbursement of terminal benefits and pension- Expedite thereof. |
MC's Circular No. 10 of 2019-20 |
30-April-2019 |
Civic arrangement to combat Cyclone FANI.". |
MC's Circular No. 09 of 2019-20 |
23-April-2019 |
Renaming of "PMU Department" as "Environment & Heritage Department". |
MC's Circular No. 08 of 2019-20 |
23-April-2019 |
Compliance of Hon'ble NGT (Principal Bench) order in connection with Case No. O.A. No. 606 of 2018 O.A. No. 673 of 2018 and O.A. No. 681 of 2018.
MC's Circular No. 07 of 2019-20 |
23-April-2019 |
KMC authority desires that further encroachment of footpath shall not be allowed at any cost. No shop or any other establishment shall be allowed to construct or encroach upon the footpath. |
MC's Circular No. 06 of 2019-20 |
18-April-2019 |
In order to evaluate the offers received from Public Sector Banks for selection of banker of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, a Committee is hereby formed under the chairmanship of Spl. Mpl. Commissioner (G.D & S). |
MC's Circular No. 05 of 2019-20 |
13-April-2019 |
Publication of list of land schedules. |
MC's Circular No. 04 of 2019-20 |
13-April-2019 |
Disaster Management. |
MC's Circular No. 03 of 2019-20 |
13-April-2019 |
Corrigendum to M.C's Circular no.150 of 2018-19, dated 26.03.2019 regarding Integration of all Collection Centers. |
MC's Circular No. 02 of 2019-20 |
05-April-2019 |
Desilting of existing storm water network at different location within Baranagar Municipal area. |
MC's Circular No. 01 of 2019-20 |
02-April-2019 |
After detection of unauthorized construction of addition of one or more floors in any premises in KMC area, the concerned Sub-Assistant Engineer or Assistant Engineer should issue Stop Work Notie u/s 401 of the KMC Act 1980 followed by intimation to the local Police Station. |