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Schedule of Fees and Charges for the year 2024- 2025

  Item Figures in Rupees.  
I. Birth or Death Registration Certificate
  a) Any birth or death event of which information is given within 21 days of occurrence Free of cost  
  b)) Any birth or death event of which information is given after 21 days but within 30 days of occurrence 1/- (Late Fee)  
  c)Any birth or death event of which information is given after 30 days but within one year of occurrence 2/- (Late Fee) -
  d) Any birth or death event which has not been registered within one year of its occurrence 10/- (Late Fee) -
  e)Searching fee per year for non-entry certificate (when definite date and place are not given) 300/- -
  f)Certificate of non-entry (in-form) in respect of one person 500/- per copy
II. Fees under Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 (On line Payment)
a) Fees for Registration
b) Fees for Licence issued by State Licensing Authority
   (1) Manufacture/Miller
      i) Above 1MT per day Production or 10,001 to 50,000 LPD
           of milk or 501 to 2500 MT of milk solids per annum

      ii) Below 1 MT of Production or 501 to 10,000 LPD of milk
           or 2.5 MT to 500 MT of milk solids per annum

   2) Hotels - 3 Star and above
   3) All Food Service providers including restaurants/boarding houses,
       clubs etc. serving food, Canteens(Schools, Colleges, Office,
        institutions), Caterers, Banquet Halls with food catering arrangements,
        food vendor like dabba wallas etc.

   4) Any other Food Business Operator
100/-per annum

5000/-per annum

3000/-per annum

5000/-per annum

2000/-per annum

2000/-per annum 
Note : For duplicate copy of Registration Certificate / License 10% of the applicable Licence fee is to be paid.
III. Slaughter House
1. Slaughtering Fees :
  a) Buffalo 70.00 Per Animal
  b) Cow and Bullock 70.00 Per Animal
  c) Sheep 20.00 Per Animal
  d)Goat 20.00 Per Animal
  e) Pig (Below 20 kg) 50.00 Per Animal
  f) Pig (21-45 kg) 80.00 Per Animal
  g) Pig (above 45 kg) 100.00 Per Animal
2. Fees for Sale of Skin :
  a) Buffalo, Cow and Bullock 30.00 Per Animal
  b) Sheep and Goat 20.00 Per Animal
3. Permit Fees for purchase - -
  a) Hoof & Horn 4000/- Per annum
  b) Hides 2000/- Per annum
  c) Offals 700/- Per annum
4. Pen rent for Pig - -
  a) Small Pen 10/- Per animal per day
  b) Large Pen 20/- Per animal per day
5. Stallage fees - -
  a) Cow, Bullock & Buffalo 30/- Per animal
6. Slaughtering Permit - -
  a) Cattle 600/- Per annum
  b) Sheep & Goat 350/- Per annum
  c) Pig 700/- Per annum
IV. Rate of Dhobikhana
1. Stone rent 200/- per month  
2. Servants licence fee 50/- per month  
3. Rent of Coal Shop 250/- per month  
4. Rent of soap & soda shop 250/- per month  
5. Rent of tea stall 120/- per month  
6. Rent of Pan & bidi Shop 100/- per month  
7. Penalty 30/- per month  
V. Burial Ground (Hindu & Muslim)
1. Burial fees
  a) Fees for dead body above 12 yrs. of age 100/- -  
  b) Fees for dead body upto 12 yrs. of age 50/- per month  
2. Masonry Grave Charges
  a) Fees for structural maintenance of old masonry grave 1000/- -
  b) Permission for const. of new masonry grave 5000/- Depending on size
VI. Cremation of dead bodies
1. In Electric Crematoriums - -  
  a) Up to 12 yrs. of age 100/- (Addl. Rs. 30/- for pollution control devices wherever applicable)
  b) Above 12 yrs. of age 220/- -
2. In Wooden Crematorium - -  
  a) Up to 12 yrs. of age 20/- -
  b) Above 12 yrs. of age 200/- -
VII. Preservation of Dead Body in Mortuary at Topsia Hindu Burial Ground (Peace World) 1000/- per body per 24 hours
VIII. Motor Ambulance Service
1. Fees for motor ambulance services in the case of patients conveyed within the jurisdiction of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation:
For carrying patients to and from Hospitals. Nursing Homes and other places for treatment etc
200/- Per trip
2. In the case of patients conveyed outside the jurisdiction of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport or To Howrah Station 10/- Per KM.
Note : If more than one patient is conveyed by the same Ambulance in the same trip to the same Hospital, or to the same place only one charge will be made. Mayor / Deputy Mayor / MIC / Mpl. Commissioner / Spl. Mpl. Commissioner / Jt. Mpl. Commissioner / CMHO will have the discretion to reduce or remit the charges in special cases, but the permission of the Mayor / Deputy Mayor / MIC / Mpl. Commissioner / Spl. Mpl. Commissioner / Jt. Mpl. Commissioner / CMHO is to be obtained in writing by the party prior to the use of the ambulances and the same to be handed over to the driver who will carry the patient and the driver will submit it in the ambulance office on the following day or post facto approval is to be obtained.
IX. Vector Control Service
1. Cleaning edges and removal of water-hyacinth for Tank, Dobas & Jheels
  a) For cleaning the edges 60.00 per 100 sq. ft.
  b) For cleaning water-hyacinth or other aquatic vegetations 60.00 per 100 sq. ft.
2. Treatment of mosquito breeding areas with larvicides (including cost of labour & materials)
  a) For Tank, Doba, Jheels, Ditches, Drains 120.00 per 100 sq. ft.
  b) For Masonry Tanks, Cisterns, Receptacles (Serviceable or unserviceable) 25.00 per day per application.
  c) For ditches and low lands, choked service drains (private) 25.00 per 100 sq. ft./running feet.
3. Charges for removing mosquitogenic condition at construction sites by promoters of developers or from the premises of big private institutions
  Type of chemical used cost per Sq.m./per day  
  a) Bti-WP Rs. 3/-  
  b) Temephos 50% EC Rs. 2.5/-  
X. Maternity Home Service
1. Admission Charges for each patient Nil  
XI. Food And Water Sanitation
Portable Water analysis (Private)
Rate for Portable Water Tests :-
a i) Alkalinity

Rs 600/-
ii) Salinity
iii) TH, Cah & MgH
iv) Sulphate
v) PH & Turbidity
vi) TDS
b Arsenic Rs. 900/-
c Iron Rs. 600/-
d Bacteriological Test Rs. 600/-
XII. Hearse Van Service
a. (From Body Loading Point to Releasing Point)
Maximum 2 Hours
Rs. 200/-  
b. For Extra Haltage Charge per Hour Rs. 50/-  