1. |
What are the key activities of the department? |
2. |
What are the different types of slum infrastructure development works undertaken? |
3. |
Whom should I contact for the above types of work? |
4. |
How should I apply to avail the above civic-infrastructure facilities? |
5. |
When will action be taken on my complaint? |
6. |
Whom should I contact with respect to the following problems and by what time-frame can I expect that action is taken? |
7. |
If I need more information whom should I meet? |
1. What are the key activities of the department?
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a. Physical improvement / augmentation of the municipal services in the slum areas under the different GoI & GoWB schemes
- Basic Minimum Services Programme;
- National Slum Development Programme;
- Tenth Finance Commission Schemes
b. Monitoring & maintenance of municipal services to the slum areas under different GoI / GoWB & KMC schemes
c. Implementation and co-ordination of programme / schemes of GOI & GoWB
d. Carry out survey under the KMC area on Demographic, socio-economic & and level of services provided
e. Beneficiary’s identification etc under BSUP of JNNURM
f. Wage Employment Programme
g. Construction and maintenance of Pay & Use toilets
h. Construction of Community Hall.
2. What are the different types of slum infrastructure development works undertaken?
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The role of the Bustee Cell is to facilitate :
a. Supply of adequate drinking water by arranging for community tube-wells and community water taps.
b. Improvement of the sewerage & drainage system of the Bustees including conversion of kuchha surface drain intounder-ground pipe sewerage.
c. Improvement of existing passage as well as construction of new passage including conversion of kuchha passage into pucca road.
d. Construction of new community latrines and repairing of existing community latrine
e. Illumination of slum lanes, by-lanes and passages by providing streetlight, mini pole etc.
f. Construction of Community Hall for the slum dwellers
3. Whom should I contact for the above types of work?
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You may contact the following :
● Local Ward officer
● Concerned Borough Executive Engineer
● Bustee Director-General
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4. How should I apply to avail the above civic-infrastructure facilities?
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You can avail of the facilities by :
● submitting a written complaint to local ward officer or by
● entering your complaint in the local ward office complaint register
5. When will action be taken on my complaint?
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Within a period of more or less 7 days an inspection would be carried out with respect to the complaint.
6. Whom should I contact with respect to the following problems and by what time-frame can I expect that action is taken?
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Sl.No. |
Queries/complain |
Immediate contract person |
1. |
Chokage of Sewer Lines |
Concerned ward A.E./S.A.E.of civil dept. |
2. |
Bulb/Fluorescent tube / vapor lamp not functioning. |
Local electrical maintenance staff of KMC or inform concerned ward AE/SAE (Electrical) |
3. |
Break-down of Hand tube-wells |
Local tube well maintenance staff of KMC or inform concerned ward AE/SAE of tube well dept. |
4. |
Problems regarding water stand posts |
Local ward AE/SAE (water supply) |
5. |
Damage of manhole cover or gully pit or lamp hole or inspection pit cover. |
Local ward SAE. |
6. |
Septic tank over flow in community toilets. |
Inform local C.O., or Block Sarkar. |
7. |
Any other problem not covered above |
To be informed local Borough Office. |
8. |
Pay & Use Toilet |
AE(C), ISP, Bustee Department |
7. If I need more information whom should I meet?
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Kindly meet D.G Bustee, located at the Head Office of KMC, Hogg Buildings (3rd Floor), 1, Hogg Street, Kolkata -87. Phone No. : 22861280 (Extn: 2598).
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