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Current Circular Notes & Guidelines
Notification regarding Hookah Bar / Cafe / Parlour etc.
Notification for Misplacing of Bailiff Books.
Guidelines for enlistment of Profession, Trade and Calling in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation areas in exercise of the power conferred by Section 199 of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act, 1980 (West Ben. Act LIX of 1980).
All traders/businessmen may take notice that use of plastic carry bags below 50(fifty) microns is strictly prohibited and punishable under law.
Circular of WBPCB Memo No:1102/383L/WPB/2017 in respect of Ceremonial House.

Regulations for premises permitted to let out for holding Ceremonial House.

For Trades liable to pay Water Supply Fees & Drainage fees separately
i)For ICI consumers, Receipt of current years Water Supply Fees along with receipt of current year's Drainage & Sewerage Fees.
ii)For ICI consumers, Receipt of current years Water Supply Fees along with receipt of current year's Drainage & Sewerage Fees.
On production of such original receipts along with photocopies the Licence Department undertakes necessary adjustment of fees in CE as per prevailing norms/practice