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List of State Public Information Officers (RTI) under the Kolkata Municipal Corporation :-
Sl. No Department and Borough Office Jurisdiction/Area Covered Name Designation Contact No Email Id. Office Address
1. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-I Borough-I covering Ward no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Shri Avijit Bhowmick Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9830127844 eec_bri@kmcgov.in 10, B.T.Road, Kolkata-700002
2. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-II Borough-II covering Ward no. 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20 Shri Atanu Biswas Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9830417621 eec_brii@kmcgov.in 79, BidhanSarani, Kolkata-700006
3. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-III Borough-III covering Ward no. 13, 14, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 & 35 Shri Santanu Purakayastha Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9883615213 eec_briii@kmcgov.in 109, Narkeldanga Main Road, Kolkata-700011
4. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-IV Borough-IV covering Ward no. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 38 & 39 Shri Debasis Chatterjee Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9830221781 eec_briv@kmcgov.in 213B, C. R. Avenue, Kolkata-700006
5. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-V Borough-V covering Ward no. 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49 & 50 Shri Asish Modak Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9331825239 eec_brv@kmcgov.in 22, Surya Sen Street, Kolkata-700012
6. CME (Civil) Dept.Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-VI Borough-VI covering Ward no. 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 61 & 62 Shri Raju Dutta Ex.Engr.(Civil) 7003348081 eec_brvi@kmcgov.in 1, Hogg Street, Kolkata-700087
7. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-VII Borough-VII covering Ward no. 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66 & 67 Shri Arijit Das Ex.Engr.(Civil) 7980609114 eec_brvii@kmcgov.in 9/1A, A. J. C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700017
8. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-VIII Borough-VIII covering ward no. 68, 69, 70, 72, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 & 90 Smt. Papiya Chakraborty Ex.Engr.(Civil) 8240673136 eec_brviii@kmcgov.in 172/5, Rash BehariAvnue, Kolkata-700029
9. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-IX Borough-IX covering ward no. 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 & 82 Shri Surajit Marik Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9831364463 eec_brix@kmcgov.in 1, Belvedere Road, Kolkata-700027
10. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-X Borough-X covering ward no. 81, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 & 100 Shri Sowmendra Nath Chandra Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9830039956 eec_brx@kmcgov.in 28, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata-700033
11. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XI Borough-XI covering ward no. 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113 & 114 Shri Samaresh Dutta Ex.Engr.(Civil) 6289167359 eec_brxi@kmcgov.in Baghajatin Mkt. Complex, Unit-II, Baghajatin Station Road, Kolkata-700086
12. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XII Borough-XII covering ward no. 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108 & 109 Shri Pinaki Bhattacharya Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9831635931 eec_brxii@kmcgov.in 97 & 98, Garfa Main Road, Kolkata-700075
13. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XIII Borough-XIII covering ward no. 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 & 122 Nurul Kader Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9830412134 eec_brxiii@kmcgov.in 516, D. H. Road, Kolkata-700034
14. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XIV Borough-XIV covering ward no. 121, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 & 132 Shri Jagannath Dey Ex.Engr.(Civil) 8981881366 eec_brxiv@kmcgov.in 516, D. H. Road, Kolkata-700034
15. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XV Borough XV covering ward no. 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 & 141 Shri Arup Kumar Mondal Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9433658522 eec_brxv@kmcgov.in E/3, Circular Garden Reach Road, Kolkata-700024
16. CME (Civil) Dept. Ex. Engr.(Civil) / Borough-XVI Borough XVI covering ward no. 123, 124, 125, 126, 142, 143 & 144 Shri Subhasish Mondal Ex.Engr.(Civil) 9433366614 soc_joka@kmcgov.in Diamond Park, Joka, Kolkata-700104
17. Building Matters related to Building Deptt. Executive Engineer
18. Chief Valuer & Surveyor Matters related to Chief Valuer & Surveyor Deptt. Assistant Engineer (Civil)
19. Sewerage & Drainage Matters related to Sewerage & Drainage and Tollys & Nullahs Deptt. Executive Engineer
20. Lighting & Electricity Matters related to Lighting & Electricity Deptt. Executive Engineer
21. Parks & Squares Matters related to Parks & Squares Deptt. Executive Engineer
22. Roads BR-VII, VIII, X & XII Shri Debashis Basu Executive Engineer (Civil) 8697808761 debashisbasu786@gmail.com Roads Department Hudco Building, 4th Floor, 15N, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kol-87
BR-I, II, III, IV & V Shri Anupam Roy Executive Engineer (Civil) 9433814607 eecl_roads_civil@kmcgov.in
BR-VI, IX & XV Shri Somnath Dutta Executive Engineer (Civil) 9804044152 somnathdutta0210@gmail.com
BR-XI, XIII, XIV & XVI Shri Subrata Das Special Officer(Roads) 9143568194 sub.das101262@gmail.com
23. SWM I & II Matters related to Solid Waste Management (I & II) Deptt. Executive Engineer
24. P & D Works related to Tolly’s Nullah Project Shri Ramen Kayal Executive Engineer (Civil) 9433101686 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
25. P & D Works related to Garden reach Project Shri Sivaji Chatterjee Executive Engineer (Civil) 9433295804 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
26. P & D Works other than Tolly’s Nullahand Garden reach Project Shri Santanu Baral Executive Engineer (Civil) 9433967012 19, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata 87
27. PMU Matters related to Project Management Unit Executive Engineer
28. Water Supply Matters related to Water Supply Deptt. Executive Engineer
29. Supply & EWS Matters related to Supply Deptt. & Entally Work Shop Executive Engineer
30. Bustee Services & SSEP Matters related to Bustee Services & SSEP Executive Engineer
31. KEIIP Matters related to Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Programme Executive Engineer
32. MPLADs-BEUP KMC Area Shri Sanjoy Paul Dy. Manager 9851214157 sanjoypaul57@gmail.com 5, S.N. Banerjee Road, K-13
33. Mpl. Secretary Matters related to Mpl. Secretary's Deptt., Mpl. Authorities Deptt., Printing, I & PR and Central Records. Dy. Manager
34. SW&UPA Matters related to Social Welfare & Urban Poverty Alleviation Deptt. Shri Ranjit Dhar Manager 6291103962 manager_sw_upa_hq@kmcgov.in 1,Hogg Street, Hogg Building, 3rd Floor, Kolkata 700087
35. Market Matters related to Market Deptt. Manager
36. Licence KMC,Ward 001 to 144 Shri Amitava Barua Licence Officer(HQ) 03322861036 amitavabarua15@gmail.com 5,S. N. Banerjee Road, Ground Floor, Kol-13
37. Assessment-Collection (South)KMC (H.Q) Property Tax issues in respect of properties in KMC Ward No. 052 to 090 except 066, 067 & 089 Shri Aroop Mandal Assessor-Collector (South) 9830324355 aroop.mandal@gmail.com Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Assessment-Collection (South) department [H.Q], 5,S.N.Banerjee Road,1st Floor, Kolkata 700013
38. AssessmentCollection (Revenue-North) Matters related to Assessment Collection (North) Department ShriSudip Bhattacharya Assessor Collector (North) 9064511963 sbhatta1980@gmail.com 1, Hogg Street,Hogg Building,2nd Floor, Kolkata 700087
39. AssessmentCollection Department (Jadavpur Unit)[Borough-XI] Jurisdiction: Br-XI
Area covered:Ward Nos. 101, 102, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114
Shri Manoj Kumar Sarkar Assessor Collector (JU) 8017051403 acjubrxi04@gmail.com Bagha Jatin Mkt. Complex (Unit-IV), 3rd Floor, Raja S C Mullick Road, Kol-92
40. AssessmentCollection Department (Jadavpur Unit)[Borough-XII] Jurisdiction: Br-XII
Area covered:Ward Nos. 103 - 109
Shri Indranil Bhattacharjee Assessor Collector (JU) 8777380801 Indranilibm26@gmail.com Santoshpur Market Complex, 2nd Floor, Kol-75
41. Assessment Collection (Revenue-Added Area) Jurisdiction: S S Unit Area covered: Ward Nos. 115– 122 and 127 - 132 Shri Subodh Kumar Biswas Assessor Collector (SSU) 9831044497 Kumarbis972@gmail.com 1, D H Road, Kolkata 700038
42. AssessmentCollection Department, Garden Reach Unit (GRU), Borough-XV Ward no.133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 and 141 Shri Asit Kumar Mandal Assessor-Collector (GRU) 7003485278 asitkumarmandal2002@gmail.com Assessment-Collection Department, E-3, Circular Garden Reach Road, Kolkata 700024
43. Assessment-Collection Department (Borough – XVI, Joka) Borough XVI of KMC area comprising of Ward Nos. 123, 124, 125, 126, 142, 143 and 144 Shri Jagadish Chandra Mahato Assessor-Collector (Borough – XVI, Joka) 9330952628 j_mahato@kmcgov.in 4, Diamond Park, Joka, Kolkata700104
44. AssessmentCollection (Revenue-TTD) Matters related to AssessmentCollection (TTD) Department Assessor Collector (TTD)
45. IUM Matters related to Institute of Urban Management Dy. Manager
46. Personnel Any HR related matters Shri Aninda Biswas Personnel Officer 2286-1000 Extn. 2273 rti.personnel.kmc@gmail.com KMC CMO Building, 5, S. N Banerjee Road, 1st Floor, Kol-13
47. Information Technology Dept. Matters related to Information Technology Department Shri Uday Basu Dy. Manager (Systems) 9477200150 uday_basu@kmcgov.in 48, Market Street, 5th Floor, Kol-87
48. S.R & A.C Service Records & Accounts Cell, House Building Advance Cell, Provident Fund Cell, Pension Cell, Group Insurance Cell And Staff Quarter Cell Shri Provash Kumar Biswas Manager(S.R & A.C) Office EPABX:0332286-1000 (Extension - 2864, 2255), Mobile - 9830740490 provashkrb@gmail.com The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Central Municipal Office Building 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 13
49. Finance & Accounts Finance & Accounts Dept. (including Internal Finance Units) Shri Ratul Paul Addl. Controller of Municipal Finance & Accounts (A/c) 9432471168 add_cmfa_ac@kmcgov.in The Kolkata Municipal Corporation Central Municipal Office Building, 3rd Floor, 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 13
50. LAW Matters related to LAW Deptt. Shri Suman Roy Dy. Chief Municipal Law Officer 8296479737 kolkatalaw@gmail.com 5, S. N Banerjee Road, 1st Floor, Kol-13
51. Education Department (HQ) KMC Area Shri Raktim Gangopadhyay Manager 8961808078 raktim.gangopadhyay@gmail.com The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Education Department (HQ), Hogg Building (2nd Floor), 1, Hogg Street, Kolkata - 87
52. Health KMC jurisdiction Dr. Ranita Sengupta Dy. CMHO - I 9830260964 dycmhomail@gmail.com CMO Building, 1st Floor, 5, S. N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata - 13
53. Internal Audit Matters related to Internal Audit Deptt. Dy. Manager
54. Advertisement Matters related to Advertisement Deptt. Shri Supriya Ghosh Manager 2286-1026 advtkmc@gmail.com 4A, Chowringhee Place, Roxy Building, 2nd Floor, Kolkata 700013
55. Amusement Tax Deptt. Matters related to Amusement Deptt. Manager
56. Car Parking KMC, Ward from 001 to 144 Shri Amitava Barua Manager 2286-1036 Amitavabarua15@gmail.com 5, S.N. Banerjee road , Kolkata- 700013.
57. Vigilance Matters related to Vigilance Deptt. Vigilance Officer
58. Census Matters related to Census under their jurisdiction Manager (Census)